Tuesday 18 August 2015

TDD Kickstart with Spring 4.x + Maven 3.x + MongoDB 3.x - PART 1

I guess my TDD skills has slowly melted down as I was not actively programming more than six f*king months! I need a kickstart to refresh my laggy old brain and naggy Macbook Pro Yosemite OSX (upgrades needed).

What do you need?

  • Maven 3.x
  • MongoDB 3.x
  • Java JDK 1.7.x
  • Eclipse IDE Java EE Developer (mine is Luna with m2e plugin installed)
OK assuming you've all of these installed and working, let gets dirty (I mean hands).

What are the steps?

  • Create a mongodb collection & document
  • Create a java web project And Import to Eclipse IDE
  • Add project dependencies: Spring core, Spring test, Spring data mongo etc...
  • Write you TDD code. "Red -> Green -> Refactor" cycle.

A. Create a mongodb collection & document

  1. Start your mongod: mongodb -dbpath <choose your db path i.e.: /usr/local/var/mongodb/data> &
  2. Start your mongo shell, type: mongo --shell
  3. In shell, create your db collection, type:  use <choose your db i.e.: demo>
  4. In shell, create one entry, type: db.demo.insert({name: "hamid", socialSecurity: 1234567890})
  5. In shell, verify your entry, type: db.demo.find()

B. Create java web project (please make sure you're connected to the internet)

  1. In command line, navigate to your eclipse workspace folder. If there isn't existing, create one.
  2. Create java web project (just hit enter on interactive prompt), type: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=<choose one i.e.: com.pointcut.demo> -DartifactId=<choose one i.e.: springmongo> -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
  3. On "BUILD SUCCESS" (after a long while), navigate to your project folder (i.e.: springmongo) to get your project eclipse ready, type: mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
  4. Import into eclipse IDE: Goto menu File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects and locate your project in your workspace folder.
  5. Make sure you project points to the right JDK runtime in Java Build Path: Right click on project name->Build Path->Configure Build Path...

C. Add project dependencies: Spring core, Spring test, Spring data mongo

  1. Add project dependencies: Right click on project name->Maven->Add Dependency
  2. In "Add Dependency" window, type "spring-core" in "Enter groupId, artifactId or sha1 prefix or pattern (*)" field
  3. Choose related library from "Search Results" list choose "org.springframework spring-core"-> 4.0.2.RELEASE version
  4. Repeat previous two (2) steps for spring-test (4.0.2.RELEASE), spring-context (4.0.2.RELEASE), spring-context-support (4.0.2.RELEASE), spring-beans (4.0.2.RELEASE), spring-data-mongodb (1.2.0.RELEASE), spring-beans (4.0.2.RELEASE), mongo-java-driver (2.9.1)
  5. Update your maven project: Right click on project name ->Maven->Update Project...

What's next? checkout PART 2 coming soon...


Installation Guide

How to install? I love using command line if all possible. ok briefly this is what I did via command line, at least.

For Maven 3.x

  1. Download the archive from here. In command line, wget <archive url address>
  2. Unzip it. For my case at /usr/local. Depending on your archive (.zip or tar.gz) u may want to user unzip or tar zxvf in command line.
  3. Set the home var and path. Update your .bash_profile (I use vi), scroll all the way down and insert the following lines: 
          export M2_HOME=/usr/local/<Maven Extracted Folder>
          export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin

For Mongo DB 3.x (recommend 64-bit)

  1. Download the archive from here. Again, in command line wget <archive url address>
  2. Unzip it. For my case at /usr/local. Depending on your archive (.zip or tar.gz) u may want to user unzip or tar zxvf in command line.
  3. Set the home var and path. Update your .bash_profile (I use vi), scroll all the way down and insert the following:

          export MONGO_HOME=/usr/local/<Mongo Extracted Folder>
          export PATH=$PATH:$MONGO_HOME/bin

For Java JDK 1.7 here for Mac

For Eclipse Luna Java EE here 

Monday 17 August 2015

Class not found: com.mchange.v2.ser.Indirector

I was trying to setup CAS server for Liferay CE 6.2  based on "Liferay 6.x Portal Enterprise Intranets Cookbook" but stumbled with the above error. I did follow all the steps diligently, but I guess the author might have missed additional library to add to ${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/cas-server-webapp-4.0.0/WEB-INF/lib that is "mchange-commons-java".

I quickly search for this library in my machine if any as I was so lazy to search in out in google and found it in Liferay's tomcat bundle under webapps/ROOT/WEB-IF/lib folder.

Tips: You may want to use find command in Centos (or any linux-based OS) search by filename with "sudo find / -name 'mchange-commons-java*' -print".

I hope that helps someone outthere.

Happy Godek'king!

Remote JMX Connection Issue

Recently I tried to remotely connect to Liferay 6.2 's tomcat bundle on JMX via JConsole and JVisualVM with no success. Both applications repeatedly unable to connect via rmi. This boggled me as this never happened to me if the same to be done on Windows or my OSX macbook.

The only difference this time is I have Centos 7 running on my macbook. Yes, Centos 7, trying to get my hands dirty back on Linux. Installing Centos 7 on Macbook is another story. It took me a few days of misery and frustration until LiveCD saved me. OK, enough about me.

So, as usual you would need to supply VM arguments as follow:


Tips: You can quickly kill the process that is listening to port 9999 with "fuser -k 9999/tcp" command.

Normally this is would suffice, but not this time.
Further tests to narrow down to possible root cause includes:

1. Telnet to port - OK
# telnet <host-ip> 9999

2. Run local JConsole and JVisualVM - OK (although unneccessary)

Tips: You may completely disable firewall in Centos 7 with "sudo systemctl disable firewall-d" or
open up specific port with "sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=9999/tcp && sudo firewall-cmd --reload"

After exhaustively searching through google and stackoverflow finally I found a blog page that suggest additional argument. Ironically, the blog post entry has nothing to do with my problem, duhh...additionally I found this via a comment in stackoverflow entry.

So, the additional argument that make it work is -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=9999
Feel me? yeah, how silly is that and I don't know why and how that works. So, help me god if anyone would generously want to explain.

Made the changes then, I fired JConsole/JVisualVM and it works!

I hope that helps some one outthere.

Happy Godek'king!!

FYI "Godek" slang means "hack" in Malay :)

java.io.IOException: Cannot recover key

For those who are NOT familiar with configuring tomcat HTTPS connector (I had apache-tomcat-7.0.34), like me, this error can be frustrating. It turned out to be a simple fix. I am assuming you have properly generated a tomcat key, a keystore and imported them successfully into JAVA cacerts keystore. As for my case I chose my own keystore filename, my own kesytore pass(word) and my own tomcat key pass(word). Unfortunately, these require explicitly be entered in your tomcat's server.xml. 

Consider the following template in the tomcat's server.xml file after you uncommented it.

If you named your keystore as ".keystore" with key and keystore pass(word) as "changeit" and left it reside in your home dir (i.e.: /home/hamid) , then above setup would work happily just like that.

Unfortunately, for most of the time it is not the case as you would name your keystore to some other name, located to some other location (folder) and both key & keystore with some other pass(word).
For example:

Keystore name: keystore.jks
Keystore folder: /home/hamid/secret/store
Keystore password: password1
Key password: password2

Then you would want to do the following:

I hope that helps.

Happy Godek'king!

FYI "Godek" slang means "hack" in Malay :)

Saturday 19 July 2014


List of products

Friday 13 June 2014

Enabling Spring Security ACL into plain Spring MVC-based AppFuse 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT Web Application Stack

Hello again!
In the last blog entry, I described on how to get Spring MVC flavor of AppFuse 3.0 Web Application Stack into your Eclipse IDE ready for development. In this tutorial, I will describe how to enable Spring ACL to control access to your web resources as fine-grained as to method level.

First of, I owed a lot of contents and references to Krams Tutorial on Spring Security to get up and running almost immediately. Thanks Krams. I highly recommend anyone who are starting out using Spring Security ACL to review Krams tutorial. To learn more, click on.

Why Spring Security ACL? Spring Security ACL provides a mechanism to protect your web resources way down to micro level such as your methods. This definitely is very nice feature if you have or wanted to have multi-tenanted web application such as gmail where multiple organisations may use single application without "knowing" they're sharing the same software platform with the rest of the world or in other term, SaaS (Software As A Service). Futhermore, our "myproject" is already using Spring Security but with ACL disabled by default. Therefore, protected resources are ONLY currently secured by their url patterns. Please take a look at src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/security.xml to learn more.

And being said that, let's get back to our last "myproject" web app to continue on. In brief, the starter kit already has user management module with two roles ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER. Users with role ROLE_ADMIN can perform all administrative tasks like creating, editing, deleting existing users. While the users with ROLE_USER limited to editing their own profile.

Now, we will enable our "myproject" web application is the following 5 steps:

Step 1: Creating ACL tables
Firstly, we need to create four (4) acl related tables:
  i. acl_class
 ii. acl_sid
iii. acl_object_identity
iv. acl_entry

In brief:
- acl_class table stores fully qualified Class name to be secured and referenced as unique numeric id.
- acl_sid stores table user id or role (actors) and referenced as numeric id.
- acl_object_identity table stores  fully qualified class to its existing instance/object/record mapping.
- acl_entry table stores permissions mapping (READ/WRITE etc) between actors and existing instance/object/record.

Now that we know a little bit about the tables, we need to create them. In order to do so, we need a DDL. Luckily, Spring supplies them within the jar itself as shown in the image below:

Go ahead copy and paste "createAclSchemaMySQL.sql" into your project main resource folder (src/main/resources)

Now, we have choices either to run them in MySQL admin or console but I chose to use maven plugin called SQL Maven Plugin instead. You may learn more here.

Add the following snippet to your pom.xml after "maven-compiler-plugin" </plugin> entry within

 <!-- Maven SQL Plugin -->  
                            USE myproject;  
                            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acl_entry;
                            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acl_object_identity;  
                            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acl_sid;
                            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acl_class;  

Next, in command line window, execute the following:

mvn sql:execute

If you have properly followed this step, you should be getting the same result shown below:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building AppFuse Spring MVC Application 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- sql-maven-plugin:1.5:execute (default-cli) @ myproject ---
[INFO] Executing commands
[INFO] Executing file: /var/folders/l3/1vl9ht9j2wg56dzvv_69lk6m0000gp/T/createAclSchemaMySQL.194031581sql
[INFO] 9 of 9 SQL statements executed successfully
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.525s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 13 17:56:55 MYT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/230M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

To verify, while in command line windows, issue the following:

mysql -u root -e 'use myproject; show tables;'

You should be seeing additional four  (4) tables listed out in the output.

Step 2: Add ACL Sample-data
Currently this stack has a set of sample data populated from a file called sample-data.xml in src/test/resources folder. Primarily, it contains seed data for users (admin, user, two_roles_user) and role (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER) tables. This seed data is populated using the following command line:
mvn dbunit:operation

Now, we need to seed acl tables the same way. For simplicity (the better way is create separate file but require more steps), we will use the same file to seed with the following entries by copy and paste them right before </dataset> element in src/test/resources/sampe-data.xml file:

 <table name="acl_class">  
     <value description="id">1</value>  
     <value description="class">com.mycompany.model.User</value>  
     <value description="id">2</value>  
     <value description="class">com.mycompany.model.Role</value>  
 <table name="acl_sid">  
     <value description="id">1</value>  
     <value description="principal">false</value>  
     <value description="sid">ROLE_ADMIN</value>  
     <value description="id">2</value>  
     <value description="principal">true</value>  
     <value description="sid">user</value>  
     <value description="id">3</value>  
     <value description="principal">true</value>  
     <value description="sid">two_roles_user</value>  
 <table name="acl_object_identity">;    
   <!-- com.mycompany.model.User -->  
     <value description="id">1</value>  
     <value description="object_id_class">1</value><!-- com.mycompany.model.User -->  
     <value description="object_id_identity">-1</value><!-- user -->  
     <value description="owner_sid">1</value>  
     <value description="entries_inheriting">false</value>  
     <value description="id">2</value>  
     <value description="object_id_class">1</value><!-- com.mycompany.model.User -->  
     <value description="object_id_identity">-2</value><!-- admin -->  
     <value description="owner_sid">1</value>  
     <value description="entries_inheriting">false</value>  
     <value description="id">3</value>  
     <value description="object_id_class">1</value><!-- com.mycompany.model.User -->  
     <value description="object_id_identity">-3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->  
     <value description="owner_sid">1</value>  
     <value description="entries_inheriting">false</value>  
   <!-- com.mycompany.model.Role -->    
     <value description="id">4</value>  
     <value description="object_id_class">2</value><!-- com.mycompany.model.Role -->  
     <value description="object_id_identity">-1</value><!-- ROLE_ADMIN -->  
     <value description="owner_sid">1</value>  
     <value description="entries_inheriting">false</value>  
     <value description="id">5</value>  
     <value description="object_id_class">2</value><!-- Role Model -->  
     <value description="object_id_identity">-2</value><!-- ROLE_USER -->  
     <value description="owner_sid">1</value>  
     <value description="entries_inheriting">false</value>  
 <table name="acl_entry">;    
   <!-- admin ACL ENTRIES -->  
           <value description="id">1</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">1</value><!-- user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">1</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">1</value><!-- READ -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">2</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">1</value><!-- user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">2</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">2</value><!-- WRITE -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">3</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">2</value><!-- admin -->  
           <value description="ace_order">1</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">1</value><!-- READ -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">4</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">2</value><!-- admin -->  
           <value description="ace_order">2</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">2</value><!-- WRITE -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">5</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">1</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">1</value><!-- READ -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">6</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">2</value>  
           <value description="sid">1</value><!-- admin -->       
           <value description="mask">2</value><!-- WRITE -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
   <!-- user ACL ENTRIES -->  
           <value description="id">7</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">1</value><!-- user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">3</value>  
           <value description="sid">2</value><!-- user -->       
           <value description="mask">1</value><!-- READ -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">8</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">1</value><!-- user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">4</value>  
           <value description="sid">2</value><!-- user -->       
           <value description="mask">2</value><!-- WRITE -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
   <!-- two_roles_user ACL ENTRIES -->  
           <value description="id">9</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">3</value>  
           <value description="sid">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->       
           <value description="mask">1</value><!-- READ -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      
           <value description="id">10</value>  
           <value description="acl_object_identity">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->  
           <value description="ace_order">4</value>  
           <value description="sid">3</value><!-- two_roles_user -->       
           <value description="mask">2</value><!-- WRITE -->       
           <value description="granting">true</value><!-- Granting Mask -->  
           <value description="audit_success">true</value><!-- Audit every success permission -->       
           <value description="audit_failure">true</value><!-- Audit every failure permission -->                      

Once copied and saved. Apply them to database by issuing the following in the command line window:

mvn dbunit:operation

To verify, while in command line windows, issue the following:

mysql -u root -e "use myproject; select count(*) from acl_entry"

You should be seeing ten (10) records count listed out in the output.

Step 3: Set ACL data source and add Spring ACL Configuration and import them into  applicationContext.xml
Let's set ACL data source by riding on the existing data source in all the way at the bottom file of  src/main/resources/applicationContext-resources.xml (just before </beans> element):

 <alias name="dataSource" alias="aclDataSource"/>  

To avoid test failures, please add the same in src/test/resources/applicationContext.-resources.xml as well.

Next, in order Spring Security ACL to work properly in  a basic configuration must be in place.
Go ahead copy and paste the following file and named them as acl-context.xml in
src/main/webapp/WEB-INF now.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"  
      <!-- See 15.3.2 Built-In Expression @http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.0.x/reference/el-access.html#el-permission-evaluator -->  
      <bean id="expressionHandler"  
           <!-- To use hasPermission() in expressions, configure a PermissionEvaluator -->  
           <property name="permissionEvaluator" ref="permissionEvaluator" />  
           <property name="roleHierarchy" ref="roleHierarchy" />  
      <!-- Declare a custom PermissionEvaluator We'll rely on the standard AclPermissionEvaluator   
           implementation -->  
      <bean class="org.springframework.security.acls.AclPermissionEvaluator"  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclService" />  
      <!-- Declare an acl service -->  
      <bean class="org.springframework.security.acls.jdbc.JdbcMutableAclService"  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclDataSource" />  
           <constructor-arg ref="lookupStrategy" />  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclCache" />  
      <!-- Declare a lookup strategy -->  
      <bean id="lookupStrategy"  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclDataSource" />  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclCache" />  
           <constructor-arg ref="aclAuthorizationStrategy" />  
           <constructor-arg ref="auditLogger" />  
      <!-- Declare an acl cache -->  
      <bean id="aclCache"  
                <bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean">  
                     <property name="cacheManager">  
                          <bean class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean" p:shared="true"/>  
                     <property name="cacheName" value="aclCache" />  
      <!-- Declare an acl authorization strategy -->  
      <bean id="aclAuthorizationStrategy"  
                          <constructor-arg value="ROLE_ADMIN" />  
                          <constructor-arg value="ROLE_USER" />  
                          <constructor-arg value="ROLE_USER" />  
      <!-- Declare an audit logger -->  
      <bean id="auditLogger"  
           class="org.springframework.security.acls.domain.ConsoleAuditLogger" />  
      <!-- http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.0.x/apidocs/org/springframework/security/access/hierarchicalroles/RoleHierarchyImpl.html -->  
      <bean id="roleHierarchy"  
           <property name="hierarchy">  
                     ROLE_ADMIN > ROLE_USER  

Then import it as resource in all the way at the bottom file of src/main/webapp/applicationContext.xml as follows (just before </beans> element):

 <import resource="acl-context.xml"/>  

Don't forget to save the file.

Step 4: Enable Spring ACL expression and set filtering annotation
Up to this point, the ACL setup won't take effect and our application "myproject" would run as of nothing have been added or changed since. In order to enable, edit src/main/webapp/security.xml as follows:

Look for the following entry in the file:

     <protect-pointcut expression="execution(* *..service.UserManager.getUsers(..))" access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>  
     <protect-pointcut expression="execution(* *..service.UserManager.removeUser(..))" access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>     

and replace them with the following:

   <global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled">  
            <expression-handler ref="expressionHandler" />     

then, don't for get to save the file.

Next, we need to set filtering annotation in our service interface file, src/main/java/com/mycompany/service/UserManager.java in two method signatures:


List<User> search(String searchTerm);
List<User> getUsers();


@PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, 'READ')")
List<User> search(String searchTerm);


@PostFilter("hasPermission(filterObject, 'READ')")
List<User> getUsers();

The above annotation simply reads as right after returning from execution of the annotated method, filter out records in the result list the current user does NOT have READ access to, hence "POST" and "FILTER" in @PostFilter annotation.

Step 5: Start up our "myproject" web application and see them in action!
As precaution, please start your app by skipping on the test, as it will probably throw test failures because we have NOT yet refactor our test code to adapt to these changes. In the command line, issue the following:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true jetty:run

(but as tested, it did not produce any test failures thus you may not skip the test if you wish so)

So, in this tutorial we have filtered out user listing in Administration -> Manage Users.
By default, URL to this page has been restricted to users with ROLE_ADMIN only, thus only accessible by 'admin' and 'two_roles_user'. If you add ROLE_USER next to ROLE_ADMIN separated by a comma in security.xml file and manually navigate to http://localhost:8080/admin/users, all users will be listed and seen by user with ROLE_USER as well. Go ahead and play around with it.


You should be seeing the following (BEFORE the ACL Expression is enabled)

Now, filtered users are gone (AFTER the ACL Expression is enabled)

There you have it.

Next Step: Play around with the application and apply more filtering options to the controllers and services on your own! You may learn more here.

That's it. Now that you have successfully secured in fine-grained'ly manner, it is time to do something even more exciting like having a multi-tenanted web application. Until next time....

Thursday 12 June 2014

Setting up Spring MVC flavor of AppFuse 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT stack in Eclipse IDE

Hello again! I was lucky enough to review some of the web application stacks and have found AppFuse Stack a comprehensive starter kit with well-written tutorials to continue with. I have used them in couple of projects in past successfully especially with Spring MVC Flavor and I thought I would write some tutorials dedicated to this Stack. To learn more on AppFuse, click on.

In this tutorial, I will show in 5 steps to generate, import and start up Spring MVC flavor of AppFuse ready for development in your Eclipse IDE with the following pre-requisites:

1. Eclipse IDE  (JUNO or later) with m2e plugin installed.
2. Maven 3.x
3. MySQL 5.x
4. JDK 7.x
5.  An awesome Macbook Pro on Maverick OSX or whatever OSX Version you currently have.
6. and of course Internet Connection

Step 1: Generate your choice of stack with AppFuse QuickStart
If you have read AppFuse QuickStart and chosen your stack as Spring MVC you will end up with the following command line to generate your stack.

mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-spring-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.1-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject -DarchetypeRepository=http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/appfuse

Go ahead and paste them into you chosen working (workspace) folder in the command line window.
It will goes on generating about sometimes and mostly downloading the required java libraries.
Once done, depending your choice of "ArtifactId" a folder with that name will be created. In this case, "myproject".

[INFO] project created from Archetype in dir: /Users/hamid/Documents/workspace/myproject
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.162s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 13 08:54:43 MYT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/228M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Step 2: Generate Full Source (Service Layer modules - models, daos, managers, tests) of your stack
I like my stack as verbose as possible especially when it comes to service layer and AppFuse has plugin called appfuse to do as such. Now that you have generated your stack, navigate to "myproject" folder in your command line tool and executed the following command:

mvn appfuse:full-source

During this process you will see the following output to confirm that your service layer is being generated...

[INFO] --- appfuse-maven-plugin:3.0.0:full-source (default-cli) @ myproject ---
[INFO] [AppFuse] Installing source from data-common module...
[INFO] [AppFuse] Installing source from hibernate module...
[INFO] [AppFuse] Installing source from service module...
[INFO] [AppFuse] Source successfully exported, modifying pom.xml...
[INFO] [AppFuse] Adding dependencies from root module...

Step 3: Import into Eclipse IDE
Importing into Eclipse is easy, go ahead startup your eclipse IDE.
Now that your IDE is ready, click on File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> [Browse to your project folder with Browse button] -> Finish

Yep I know, the are some errors, we will get to that in the next steps.

Step 4: Quick and dirty way clearing off the errors in Eclipse IDE
 I have identified few errors in the imported maven projects and let clear them one by one:

1. JavaScript Source error - Exclude them!
Navigate to "Include Path"  from your project.
Right Click on your project root myproject -> Properties -> JavaScript -> Include Path.
Then under "Source" tab,  select "Excluded:" and then click "Edit" button.
Add "src/main/webapp/scripts" folder in the "Exclusion Pattern" using Add -> Browse button.

2. Replace the "ne" to != in src/main/webapp/decorators/default.jsp file

3. pom.xml error
Enclose <plugins>..</plugins> node with <pluginManagement> element, like the following:


4. sample-data.xsd error
Open the same file of src/rest/resources/sample-data.xsd in your favorite text editor (mine is textmate),
select all, copy and paste them in the same file in your IDE.

Rebuild your project with Project -> Clean or if you have the "Build Automatically" selected, your project should been instantenously re-built and the errors should have been gone.

Step 5: First run of your stack
Now that the errors have disappeared, it is time to maiden run of your stack.
before that, just make sure your MySQL 5.x Server is installed and running
In the command line window execute the following:

mvn jetty:run

for, the eager beavers who don't want to wait for all tests to be completed, you may run with skipped test as the following:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true jetty:run

Next : Continue on your development...
Extends the stack with exciting frameworks such as Spring Security ACL for fine-grained access to your web resources or whatever your have in mind.

That's it! I hope you have had a perfect run of your first stack and until next time...